[C++]간단한 vector, list, queue 성능비교 테스트


  • vector, list, queue에 대한 간략한 성능비교(뒤늦게마나 vs2013사용한 기념)
    • 한 차례 수행 후 값을 내었고(귀찮..), 테스트 환경(여러가지가 돌고있어서 결과값은 상대적으로 봐야할듯)은 아래처럼
  • 실행PC 사양
    프로세서: intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz 
    설치된 메모리 4.00GB
    시스템 종류: 32비트 운영 체제
  • 정교한 테스트는 아니기 때문에 대략 이러한 형태를 가지고 있다라고만 보면 될듯, 데이터 타입의 다양성과 여러차례에 걸친 평균등 이 필요하긴하다.
    • https://baptiste-wicht.com/posts/2012/12/cpp-benchmark-vector-list-deque.html
      • (나~~~ 중에 시간이 되면 이정되는 테스트는 해보고 싶긴함.)

test code

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
long long counter() {
    return li.QuadPart;
long long get_frequency() {
    return li.QuadPart;
// to confine the test to run on a single processor in order to get consistent results for all tests.
void perf_startup() {
    SetThreadAffinityMask(GetCurrentThread(), 1);
    SetThreadIdealProcessor(GetCurrentThread(), 0);
void clear_queue(std::queue<DWORD> &someQueue)
    std::queue<DWORD> empty;
    std::swap(someQueue, empty);
void test_compare_stl(int intput_size)
//    perf_startup();
    long long frequency = get_frequency();
    long long start = 0;
    long long finish = 0;
    double total = 0;
    // queue
        std::cout << "----------queue(" << intput_size  << ")----------" << std::endl;
        std::queue<DWORD> queue_;
            start = counter();
            for (int i = 0; i < intput_size; i++)
            finish = counter();
            total = ((finish - start)*1.0 / frequency);
            printf("queue insert: \t%f sec\n", total);
            start = counter();
            long long temp = 0;
            while (!queue_.empty())
                temp += queue_.front();
            finish = counter();
            total = ((finish - start)*1.0 / frequency);
            printf("queue pop: \t%f sec, %lld\n", total, temp);
        start = counter();
    finish = counter();
    total = ((finish - start)*1.0 / frequency);
    printf("queue release: \t%f sec\n", total);
    // list
        std::cout << "----------stl----------" << std::endl;
        std::list<DWORD> list_;
            start = counter();
            for (int i = 0; i < intput_size; i++)
            finish = counter();
            total = ((finish - start)*1.0 / frequency);
            printf("list insert: \t%f sec\n", total);
            start = counter();
            std::list<DWORD>::iterator it;
            long long temp = 0;
            for (it = list_.begin(); it != list_.end(); it++)
                temp += (*it);
            finish = counter();
            total = ((finish - start)*1.0 / frequency);
            printf("list loop: \t%f sec, %lld\n", total, temp);
            start = counter();
            finish = counter();
            total = ((finish - start)*1.0 / frequency);
            printf("list clear: \t%f sec\n", total);
        start = counter();
    finish = counter();
    total = ((finish - start)*1.0 / frequency);
    printf("list release: \t%f sec\n", total);
    // vector
        std::cout << "----------vector----------" << std::endl;
        std::vector<DWORD> vector_;
            long long start = counter();
            for (int i = 0; i < intput_size; i++)
            long long finish = counter();
            total = ((finish - start)*1.0 / frequency);
            printf("vector insert: \t%f sec\n", total);
            long long start = counter();
            std::vector<DWORD>::iterator it;
            long long temp = 0;
            for (it = vector_.begin(); it != vector_.end(); it++)
                temp += (*it);
            long long finish = counter();
            total = ((finish - start)*1.0 / frequency);
            printf("vector loop: \t%f sec, %lld\n", total, temp);
            long long start = counter();
            long long finish = counter();
            total = ((finish - start)*1.0 / frequency);
            printf("vector clear: \t%f sec\n", total);
        start = counter();
    finish = counter();
    total = ((finish - start)*1.0 / frequency);
    printf("vector release: %f sec\n", total);
int main(void)
    test_compare_stl(100 + 1);
    test_compare_stl(500 + 1);
    test_compare_stl(1000 + 1);
    test_compare_stl(5000 + 1);
    test_compare_stl(10000 + 1);
    test_compare_stl(50000 + 1);
    test_compare_stl(100000 + 1);
    test_compare_stl(500000 + 1);
    test_compare_stl(1000000 + 1);
    test_compare_stl(5000000 + 1);
    __asm int 3;
    return 1;


  vs2008 list insert vs2008 list loop vs2008 list clear vs2008 vector insert vs2008 vector loop vs2008 vector clear
100건 0.000061 0.000001 0.000057 0.000019 0.000001 0
500건 0.000381 0.000003 0.000972 0.000047 0.000003 0
1000건 0.001411 0.000005 0.003763 0.0001 0.000006 0
5000건 0.007481 0.000027 0.061879 0.00015 0.00003 0
10000건 0.065947 0.000058 0.305491 0.000305 0.00006 0
50000건 0.678637 0.000306 2.312486 0.00077 0.000299 0
100000건 0.237424 0.000629 4.752217 0.000933 0.000598 0
500000건 0.736932 0.003109 24.430509 0.00321 0.002991 0
1000000건 1.806386 0.006019 49.198097 0.005039 0.005983 0
5000000건 6.409442 0.029849 248.287567 0.025977 0.030323 0
  vs2013 list insert vs2013 list loop vs2013 list clear vs2013 vector insert vs2013 vector loop vs2013 vector clear
100건 0.000257 0.000002 0.000115 0.000031 0.000001 0
500건 0.000786 0.000005 0.001994 0.000081 0.000001 0
1000건 0.002748 0.000006 0.006578 0.000099 0.000001 0
5000건 0.012442 0.000013 0.094908 0.000531 0.000004 0
10000건 0.099526 0.000046 0.382695 0.001168 0.000007 0
50000건 0.031496 0.000185 2.394466 0.001156 0.000035 0
100000건 0.647545 0.000473 4.811623 0.00149 0.00007 0
500000건 1.802835 0.00219 24.720386 0.003305 0.00035 0
1000000건 3.155605 0.004051 48.326815 0.006048 0.00082 0
5000000건 5.979239 0.019601 248.121181 0.028945 0.003951 0
  vs2008 queue insert vs2008 queue pop vs2013 queue insert vs2013 queue pop  
100건 0.000019 0.000001 0.000068 0.000002  
500건 0.000131 0.000004 0.000286 0.000007  
1000건 0.00059 0.000007 0.001328 0.000014  
5000건 0.00373 0.000035 0.003852 0.000035  
10000건 0.027921 0.000072 0.058983 0.000065  
50000건 0.216583 0.000349 0.308407 0.000321  
100000건 0.312508 0.000704 0.889107 0.000651  
500000건 1.383747 0.003529 0.977399 0.003263  
1000000건 1.722964 0.007054 1.476969 0.006659  
5000000건 2.282444 0.035637 2.119721 0.032525  
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